

Always Ask Yourself These Questions Before Buying New Clothes

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Bill Gates Doesn't Own Any Cryptocurrency - Here's Why

Since Bitcoin first burst onto the scene in 2009, cryptocurrency has embarked on a consistent rise in popularity. Now, in 2022, the once novel concept has become one of the hottest obtainable assets in the investment world, with the likes of Tesla CEO Elon Musk and MicroStrategy's Michael Saylor becoming some of the most enthusiastic investors in the game. Still, not everyone share's their confidence in the ever-growing non-regulated finance sector. With a personal wealth of $116 billion, Microsoft founder Bill Gates has no interest in riding the cryptocurrency wave. Here's why:

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Thinking About Retirement? Know The 401k Contribution Limit In 2022

If the ongoing economic uncertainty has taught us anything, it's that it's never a bad time to begin building up a financial safety net for when times get tough. This is particularly true when it comes to your retirement years, as without a stable income, any financial issues could severely deplete your savings. With this foresight in mind, it's a good idea to start contributing to your own 401k plan. Still, before you embark on this financial journey, it's important that you understand the ins and outs of this fund, particularly the maximum contribution limit for 2022.

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Signs Of Compulsive Spending

Suspect yourself or a loved one could be a shopaholic? While it might sound far-fetched, compulsive shopping disorder is a very real issue. In fact, it's often associated with mental issues like addictive disorder, impulse-control disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. And while it's sometimes labeled anseemingly innocent quirk, compulsive shopping can significantly cut into your budget and lead to serious financial strain. Let's break down exactly what a compulsive shopper is, the telltale signs, and explore some potential remedies.

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The Light Bulb Buying Checklist

While it may seem like a simple task, buying the right lightbulb can be a tough decision, especially when faced with a never-ending wall of options at your local big box store. In addition to the many brands and variety of light shades available, you'll also need to be sure to purchase a lightbulb that's compatible with the specific lights in your home. Of course, if you happen to be someone looking to minimize waste, then picking a lightbulb that conserves energy is another priority to add to the checklist. In order to help you organize your thoughts and determine the best choice for you, here is your step-by-step guide to buying your next lightbulb.

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Drew Barrymore's Campaign To Raise Awareness About Plastic Strikes An Unexpected Tone

Is Student Loan Forgiveness Real? How To Spot A Scam

For decades, outstanding student loan debts have plagued Americans. Desperate to get a college education, millions have plunged into debt, hoping that the jobs that they'll eventually secure after graduation will allow them to erase it and build a prosperous future. Unfortunately, things don't always go according to plan. The nation's student loan debt hit a jaw-dropping $1.58 trillion in the first quarter of 2021. Naturally, many students are looking for ways to receive student loan forgiveness and relieve themselves of some of their debt. Aware of these young people's desperation, scammers pretend to offer student loan forgiveness, only to exploit their victims, then plunge them further into debt. To avoid the same mistake, here's how to determine whether or not the student loan forgiveness is real and the best way to find legitimate debt relief.

Top Scams We All Should Be Aware Of

For years, fraud, identity theft, and low-level scams have conned countless innocent people out of their hard-earned money. While technology has introduced a whole host of new security features to combat such threats, the abilities of scammers have also developed, especially by using technology to create new fraudulent techniques for money-grabbing. With technology advancing at a faster pace than ever before, let's take a look at some of the most popular and damaging scams around as well as some effective techniques that you can employ in order to avoid becoming the next victim.